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W E L C O M E ~ B I E N V E N U E

Meet Alessia Iglio, Ambassador and the inspiring force behind the DisTheDis movement. 

The Dis the dis movement started after I was invited to a golf tournament fundraiser to give a speech.

As my family and I were preparing we realized that the prefix DIS sends a negative message. 

We found that there were many words that begin with DIS and we wanted to make a positive message. 

We take the DIS out of all the words because to me, DIS DOES NOT EXIST!


We need to spread the word to TAKE THE DIS OUT OF DISABILITY. 

> Inspirations Montreal Podcast

> Inspirations Montreal Article

Dis the Dis Marketplace!

All profits from the sale of our merchandise go to support the movement.

Dis the Dis Poster Board

Original - made by Alessia’s mom and sister

Digital - Created by Alessia’s dad

Messages from visitors …

Layla Raposo-Melo from Centre PUCCI

I have had the honour of working with Alessia during her stage  in grooming, she started off as such a shy girl and I got to watch her step out of her shell and become a strong and confident grooming assistant! She slowly but surely worked  on stepping out of her comfort zone . I am so proud to see how she has grown from this experience, how she went from being afraid to fully blowing drying a large dog on her own without any fear ! I know that if she keeps pushing herself out of her comfort zone and always reaching for new goals she will not only achieve everything that she puts her mind to but she will be unstoppable ! 

 Gabriella from COMMUNITY GAB

Hey Alessia

I think the PODCAST was incredible - I loved hearing the background of how dis the dis came to life and all that you've had to overcome to get to where you are now. I also feel inspired by the key message of perseverance. You said something about working extra hard on what you're good at and that resonated me. I feel strongly that your gift is speaking to others and sharing this message of dissing the dis.  You are fully leading a movement 😍 I am 100% sure that you will be publishing your book some day soon and speaking on many more stages to come...

Challenge the perceived negativity that comes with being labelled Disabled

“We will help you more than you will help us!.”  ~ Alessia ~

“We cross the DIS out of everything…because to  me, DIS does not exist.”  ~ Alessia ~

(C) 2024 PMIco, Pietro M.Iglio & Dis The Dis